Monday, April 6, 2009

Feastday, the 2nd of Weeping

Some things are better left unwritten... was one of those days.

All in all, I had to take a woman to the Temple - despite being healed physically, she remains unconcious. The Temple has an entire section dedicated to this sort of situation, and the other priestesses there are far more skilled than I in these matters.

As far as they know, I found her while looking for a rare root in Nektulos Forest.

From this experience comes something more, however, as I have met a man who offers everything and nothing - a mentor, of sorts. Despite my better judgement, I felt compelled to agree to his offer and am now his student.

As far as I've told anyone, he is teaching me to be a scribe. In truth, he's given me a way to flourish magically and temporally...and given me something that may help me against Brodis.

Unfortunately, since stepping foot into port, Phenix has not let me out of his sight otherwise - so I've barely been able to do anything but quietly wait for a time to go summon the demon for questioning.

Perhaps closer to his next seafaring I can do what has to be done...

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